

March 2022 I still can’t figure out how to sticky this post to the top without editing the date 😦

“STICK TO THE TOP OF THE BLOG” is checked but WordPress still doesn’t actually keep it on top, so I’ve resorted to updating the publish date to keep it on top. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know. I’m also not sure if resetting the date means that anyone subscribed is spammed with an update notification – I hope not – but if you are, sorry! Readers really need to read this Introduction post first.

I am a big fan of Bai Lu and an even bigger fan of Luo Yun Xi, so I’m impatiently waiting for his next drama, Immortality, which is based on the novel The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (2HA). In the meantime, since I loved the drama Love is Sweet, I had to look up the novel. Imagine my surprise when I started reading and realized that the novel is really different from the drama! But the characters that we know and love are still there, and in many ways I like the novel even more.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a completed English translation right now. There is one other group/person who is translating Love is Sweet, but they are using the OLD edition of the novel. You can find their website at


Yes, there are TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the novel. I am translating from the uncensored, most recent version that the author published. The full text of the novel in Simplified Chinese can be found here. and the censored text can be found in Traditional Chinese here. This text is exactly the same as the official ebook on the iQiYi website, but still has R-rated parts, therefore the translation also has some R rated chapters. The chapters, scenes, and events aren’t the same between the old and new editions, so please don’t be confused!

In particular, the new edition begins the novel in a completely different way, with Yuan Shuai having a so-called “one night stand” with Jiang Jun.

Please feel free to link (with credit) to this translation anywhere you want, but DO NOT repost anything. If I find that someone is copying my work or profiting from it, I will take this all offline and stop translating.

HAPPY READING and please, please do leave comments or just let me know if you’re reading!

It’s massively encouraging when I know there are actually people reading and it motivates me to translate faster because I want to share the story with you guys!

4 thoughts on “Introduction

  1. It’s likely that the theme you’re using doesn’t respect sticky posts! Or, it might unfortunately need some other setting in place to make the sticky posting work.

    What’s this theme called? That could help in investigating!


    1. Oh, I didn’t know some themes don’t work with stickies! I’m using the Gateway theme. I’m not sure if it’s got messed up because my main “home” page was originally the blog page and I adopted it for use as the front page? But I figured the sticky function should still work because the whole setup of the page was for blogging, plus the option appears on the post, it just doesn’t actually sticky anything 😥


      1. Looks like the Gateway theme does support stickies by default, so it’s likely a settings thing or a conflicting widget or plugin if you’re using any. If you want, you can email me and we can try to figure it out together?


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